Enabling the potential of people with developmental disabilities, enriching our communities

Marie Sleight 2024 Winner of Regis Obijiski Scholarship

On 12/19, Direct Support Professional, Marie Sleight (Thornwood IRA) was awarded the 2024 Regis Obijiski Growing the Profession Scholarship. This scholarship was established to honor the legacy of NHR’s former Executive Director who has devoted his career to advancing the profession of Direct Support. Instilled in NHR’s organizational “DNA” is a commitment to learning as one of our Unifying Principles. The scholarship was funded by a generous donation from the late Mary Moody and is awarded annually.

Marie has been a valued member of the Team here at NHR for nearly 24 years (about half of the time there has been an NHR!). She currently works at our Thornwood IRA in Poughkeepsie as a DSP where she helps ensure that six ladies who call Thornwood home are living their best lives. Marie is pursuing her education to become a Registered Nurse.

In her winning essay for this scholarship, Marie stated that “My goal is to further my education and understanding about people with disabilities and learn more about the complex and unique needs of the individuals I support….The educational program will help me develop the skills to be able to help the people I support with informed decision making about their own personal health and empower them with education and resources so they’re able to make informed choices about their own healthcare; therefore, promoting increased independence in their own lives. I will also be able to develop knowledge about healthy lifestyle choices. In a complex setting where the needs of people vary greatly, this knowledge is invaluable to be able to support everyone to the best of my ability and encour-age healthy decisions around meal preparation and the importance of exercise in maintaining optimal health.”

Congratulations on being our latest scholarship winner Marie – well deserved! Best of luck with your studies!

Sam Laganaro, Executive Director presents DSP Marie Sleight with a scholarship check.
Sam Laganaro, Executive Director presents
DSP Marie Sleight with a scholarship check.
Marie is joined by some teammates from Thornwood
as they celebrate Marie’s scholarship win.
from left Marie posing with Malorie Greenspan, RN. Malorie is a former scholarship winner who transitioned from DSP to RN remaining part of the Team at NHR!
from left Marie posing with Malorie Greenspan, RN.
Malorie is a former scholarship winner who transitioned
from DSP to RN remaining part of the Team at NHR!

To see other winners of the Regis Obijiski Scholarship, click the links below